Location & Driving Directions from Albany
Unity Hall
39 Mohawk Street
Fort Plain, NY 13339
Unity Hall is located at 39 Mohawk Street in Fort Plain in scenic upstate New York. Take the I-90W (Buffalo/ Boston) to exit 29 toward NY-10 Canajoharie/ Sharon Springs. Turn right onto NY- 5S W/E Main Street, turn left onto Main Street, take the 2nd right onto Center Street, take a 2nd right onto Mohawk Street.
West Hill School
3 Otsego Street
Canajoharie, New York 13317
West Hill School sits at the top of a hill, overlooking the downtown at 3 Ostego Street in Canajoharie, New York. Take the I-90W (Buffalo/ Boston) to exit 29 toward NY-10 Canajoharie/ Sharon Springs. Turn right onto NY- 5S W/E Main Street, turn left onto NY-10S / Church Street, slight right onto Rock street, slight right on Cliff street, turn left onto Ostego street.
Unity Park
41 Mohawk Street
Fort Plain, New York 13339
52/54 Mohawk St
52-54 Mohawk Street
Fort Plain, New York 13339
Other Destinations
For more information on historic sites in the Mohawk Valley, check out the Mohawk Valley History page.